Saturday, March 13, 2010

Why the heck am I blogging on a Saturday night?

It's 9PM on Saturday night. The perfect time to chill. Especially since the baby is down for the night and my husband is off at his friends house. I fed the baby, ate a not so spectacular dinner, bathed her and put her to bed. I showered myself, and here I am now.

I like the quiet of the evening. The week has been exceptionally long, tiring, and disappointing. I'm still looking for new employment... just something different. I applied for an internal opening that I saw at work and hope very much that I get that one. It would go a long way in making a difference.

I really had to ask myself this week, what the purpose of a career was. I mean honestly, most of us work because we have to. We need the income and want the benefits. And we strive for promos within work because they increase the income and sometimes improve the benefits. But other than that, what's really the purpose of career?

I have an engineering degree and work with brilliant people. But I have to confess, that I'm not sated here. While I find engineering enjoyable, there is something about the current line of work that I'm in... there is less engineering and more indicator management, which I find awfully tedious. I have a fondness for efficiency, so seeing things like ridiculous actions taken to make sure a self inflicted punishment doesn't take place doesn't really ring positive with me.

Maybe I'm just tired. I see plenty of things that I want to do... but like many families out there, our family has to make it on the income that I provide. Sometimes it feels like I'm stuck. Change it coming, though :) It has to.

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